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Rich River Exploration Ltd. actively researches, acquires and advances high potential mineral properties.

Our projects are selected very carefully and we make sure that we do not conflict with exploration conducted by any of our corporate clients.

Our ethics and reputation regarding this policy, always will be maintained within the industry!

Our objective is to offer these properties for sale, by way of a working option to purchase. Contact us for more information. 



LCT family  Li-Ce-Ta

The Lady Peg project was acquired to cover very prospective geology for hosting numerous LCT pegmatite bodies that are enriched with Rare Earth Elements, Lithium, Cesium, Tantalum, Lanthanum, Rubidium & Gemstones

Numerous documented LCT type pegmatites are known to occur in the immediate area, as well as the discovery of coloured Tourmalines and Beryl’s.  The Lady Peg property requires substantial prospecting, detailed geological mapping and systematic sampling to further delineate more LCT type pegmatite bodies, particularly at lower elevations under thin cover and along logging road cuts.



Chalcopyrite, pyrite, magnetite and possibly some sulphide nickel mineralization (Pentlandite) occur in plugs of pyroxenite (Geology, Exploration and Mining in British Columbia 1972, page 315) which intrude "greenstones" and diorites. Trenching exposed mineralization in a southwest trending "shear zone" about 21 metres wide within a band of ultramafic rock.  Preliminary chip samples in the cat trenches gave an average of about 0.22 per cent copper over 22 metres and a strike length of 30 metres. The age of the pyroxenite plugs is not known, however the dioritic rocks are probably part of the Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Thuya batholith. The "greenstones" are possibly part of the late Paleozoic Harper Ranch Group.



Base metal and silver Sed-ex type mineralisation associated with auriferous veins, zones and exhalite horizons are the targets for future exploration on the Silver Crystal Project. Highlights of drilling, between 1975 and 1977, include: 2.11 per cent lead, 5.43 per cent zinc with 79.7 grams per tonne silver over 2.4 metres in hole 75-1 and 3.43 per cent lead, 8.61 per cent zinc with 116 grams per tonne silver over 4.65 metres in hole 77-3. The property covers bedded manganese zones and very strong geochemical anomalies for lead, zinc, silver and gold at the same stratigraphic interval. Gold in soil reaches up to 1800 ppb in the south eastern area. 


High Grade Au 

with Ag-Cu-Te-Zn-Pb


The sulphide minerals present on the Boomerang - BC Eagle property consist of pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, and tetrahedrite in quartz veins that trace steeply dipping fissures, fractures and fault zones in Middle Jurassic Granite

Bonanza gold grades associated with Tellurium (Te) and Cu-Ag-Zn-Pb are found in the vein systems. The quartz-sulphide veins on the WC, Boomerang, Eagle Fraction and BC reverted Crown Grants have a surface traceable length of 450 meters, and an interpreted strike length of approximately 800 meters. Highlights include 13.59 opt Gold over 30 cm and 6.26 opt gold over 40 cm- YES Ounce per tonne!



The mineralization at the "SR Showing" is Galena with Tetrahedrite, Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Argentite and Native Gold

Massive sphalerite, galena with a quartz-carbonate matrix ran (16.4% Pb, 16.7% Zn and 15.9 oz/t Ag), overlying very black carbonaceous shale with banded pyrite and galena wall rock, which assayed 2.23% Pb, 6.09% Zn and 1.0 oz/t Ag. The most prominent train of Ag-Pb-Zn anomalies is two kilometers long and trends from the vicinity of adit 1 on Malachite Ridge, where stratabound Ag-Pb-Zn Sed-Ex mineralization has been located in outcrop. Targets are high grade base metals with high silver and gold in Qtz Carb veins and syngenetic Sed-Ex style Ag-Pb-Zn.



The Big Bar Epithermal Gold project is located in the north end of the Spences Bridge Gold Belt. Precious metals occur in epithermal brecciated quartz-carbonate zones. Drilling intersected 4.49 gpt gold across 3 meters and 2.50 grams per tonne gold across 9 meters. Soil anomalies and well mineralised float occur outside of the main area of prior work activity. 




The massive sulfide-oxide layers have been traced, with covered intervals, for about 4.8 kilometers  involving a vertical distance of about 850 meters. The original Cottonbelt zone lies within reverted crown granted claims. Significant REE bearing Carbonatite layers are also known to occur on the property. Unclassified reserves of just the Cotton Belt zone alone are just less than 1 million tonnes grading 6 per cent lead, 2 per cent zinc and 50 grams per tonne silver Resources have been estimated at 725,000 tonnes grading 11 per cent combined lead and zinc and 58.3 grams per tonne silver... That’s just over 1.6 million ounces of contained silver, in just one main zone. Three other parallel zones, one copper rich zone, open along strike and down dip. Mine section rocks discovered in a new area, tremendous upside potential.




High gold-silver grades in quartz-ankerite veins with chalcopyrite and pyrite veinlets (samples range from 0.69 to 101.5 g/t Au. With Ag from 0.37 to 96 g/t, and Cu 200 ppm to >1.0%). Significant soil geochemical anomalies have been defined in the claim group. Sulphide minerals associated with gold and silver mineralization includes pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and arsenopyrite. The coincident soils anomalies potentially outline an epithermal mineralization system. Massive (Sb) Stibnite sub crop discovered.



CARBON QUEEN  Crystalline flake graphite occurs in abundant concentrations in biotite graphitic schist, graphitic quartzite, marble and graphitic biotite gneiss. Zn-Pb-Ag - Sed-Ex (Broken Hill Type) base metal mineralized stratigraphy hosting showings of Zn-Ag-Pb mineralisation.



The property hosts an 1800-metre-long intermittent massive sulphide horizon mineralised with Pb and Zn with high Ag. The mineralization consists of zones of massive sulphide about 1 m thick in an envelope of sparser mineralisation which may be up to several metres thick. The main massive sulphide mineral zone grades as high as 15% Pb, 23% Zn and 293 g tonne (9.4 oz/t) Ag. Significant REE bearing Carbonatite layers are also known to occur on the property containing Columbite Tantalite (Coltan)


Fe-Ti+/-V oxide


The BEARPAW RIDGE Magmatic Fe-Ti+/-V oxide deposit. Titanium: As indicated, chemical analysis shows that magnetic titanium (ilmenite) is present in quantities which range from 10 - 20% of recoverable magnetite and that two to five times the amount of non magnetic titanium (Rutile) is present. This project has excellent blue sky potential Abundant geological information is available.



The KEYSTONE COPPER project is underlain by the same metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of the Lardeau Group that hosts the past producing Goldstream Mine. The Goldstream Besshi Cu-Zn massive sulphide deposit was discovered in 1972. In 1975 Noranda Exploration Co. Ltd. optioned the property and later the same year outlined a deposit of 3.175 mt grading 4.49% Cu and 3.24% Zn and 20g/t Ag. The past producing Goldstream mine is located 30 Km north of the Keystone project in similar stratigraphy. Massive Sulphide subcrop found in 2021 ran 1.2% Zn – 2.16% Pb – 78.3 gpt Co – 12.25 gpt Ag




Laceta Smyth REE Project... Here a RGS silt sample ran 1450 ppm Ce, 905 ppm La, 110 ppm Rb, 120 ppm Sm, 28.4 ppm Sc, 4.6 ppm Ta and 3600 ppm Zr. Numerous logging roads cut the claims.

Whiplash... Just east of Smyth... Here a silt sample ran 611 ppm Ce, 315 ppm La, 45.5 ppm Sm, 40.9 ppm Sc, 8.2 ppm Ta and 1900 ppm Zr. Accessible by main logging roads.



The Red Metal Ridge Property covers 13 showings of copper silver mineralisation, 11 of which are documented in the BC Minfile database. High grade copper occurs in Triassic Volcanics.  Skarns-Veins-Shears, V bearing Magnetite-Anomalous Pt-Pd-Ti-V



Marble REE


KINGFISHER COLBY MINES  Zn-Pb-Ag DEPOSIT - Broken Hill Model...1.67 million tonnes grading 0.58 % Pb and 2.6 % Zn - open along strike. Numerous high soil anomalies and targets with Trenching permit in place. Large deposit of White Marble - Established Marble Quarry with tonnage. REE bearing Pegmatites.



High Grade Gold with Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn in quartz veins. 40.11 grams per tonne gold and 50.40 grams

per tonne silver over a width of 1 .7 metres, >700 metre long vein strike proven by drilling and trenching.


The high grade polymetallic Regal Project (previously known as the Allco Property) is sold to Affinity Metals

The 8,800 hectare property hosts multiple past-producing mines including the Regal Silver, the Allco Silver mine and the Snowflake mine. 


CONTACT US... We look forward to working with you! 

250-804-6189      Email Us


Diamonds -REE's


Diamond project located in S-E British Columbia.  


One of the only true proven diamond bearing kimberlite pipe clusters in BC. A clear, gem quality diamond fragment measuring 0.65 millimetres has been found in the Ram 6.5 pipe (George Cross News Letter No. 225, 1994)



The North Island Copper Project covers 8 known documented mineral occurrences, just north of the past producing Island Copper Mine.

BHP’s past producing Island Copper mine which produced 345 million metric tonnes @ 0.41% Cu, 0.017% Mo, 0.19 g/t Au, and 1.4 g/t Ag. During its prime operating period the Island Copper mine was Canada’s third-largest copper producer. The Mine produced about 1227 million kilograms of copper, 35,268 kilograms of gold, 360,800 kilograms of silver), 32 million kilograms of molybdenum and 236 kilograms of rhenium from 367 million tonnes of ore.                                                     




Trenches contain quartz veins with visible gold, returning assays of 52.8 g/t Au and 254.92 g/t Au.


Gold in soil anomaly, approximately 650 meters by 200 meters in size. Gold in soil values of 1,280 ppb Au with accompanying elevated silver and arsenic. Located at the headwaters of the Placer gold producing Kettle River. Borders on Eagle Plains Resources, Donna Gold Project.




A large number of mineral zones occur on the MOLLIE GIBSON - GOLDEN LODE

Formerly known as The Burnt Basin Gold camp, most of which have seen limited modern exploration. 3 main styles of mineralization, including Au-Ag quartz veins, Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu-Au mineralization in argillaceous limestone.

High grade auriferous massive pyrrhotite-pyrite mineralization.

Significant gold values up to 270 gpt/Au (8 oz/t Au) ~ 60 Kilometres to milling and smeltings facilities at trail BC.



Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au With Epithermal Gold Potential. Malachite, Bornite and Cuprite are found in shear zones and disseminated within the Triassic Mount Lytton Complex diorites and quartz diorites. Spences Bridge Group volcanic rocks occur on the property with Epithermal Gold potential. In 1970, samples have yielded up to 0.65 per cent copper over 6 metres on the JM 2 claim, 0.58 per cent copper over 54 metres on the JM 3 claim, 1.16 per cent copper over 45 metres on the JM 5 claim, 0.29 per cent copper over 75 metres on the JM 10 claim and 0.48 per cent copper over 9 metres on the JM 9 claim (Property File - Phendler, R.W. [197-05-16]: Report on the JM Copper Prospect). Disseminated chalcopyrite with associated magnetite and pyrrhotite also occur in layered intrusives comprising anorthosite, granodiorite and gabbro.

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