Rich River Exploration Ltd. is a full service, modern contract mineral exploration service company, that has been in successful operation for over twenty years.
The company is owned and operated by...
Mr. Craig A. Lynes Geo T. Prospector, who has over thirty-five years of experience in the exploration industry.
Prospecting is not our job... It's our passion!
Rich River Exploration Ltd. is a full service, modern contract mineral exploration service company, that has been in successful operation for over twenty years.
The company is owned and operated by...
Mr. Craig A. Lynes Geo T. Prospector, who has over thirty-five years of experience in the exploration industry.
Prospecting is not our job... It's our passion!

CONTACT US... We look forward to working with you!
CONTACT US... We look forward to working with you!
250-804-6189 Email Us

Mr. Lynes is a qualified geological technologist and certified prospector with over thirty-five years of experience in all aspects of regional, property scale and advanced mineral exploration projects.
He has gained a vast amount of knowledge and experience from working on numerous and varied types of exploration projects over the many years in the field.
Mr. Lynes first worked in the mineral exploration industry in 1975. When he was employed as a field technician and prospector for a junior mining company.
Since then, he has worked for other exploration contracting and consulting companies. As well as being an independent prospector and mineral exploration contractor.
Prior to forming Rich River Exploration Ltd., he was directly involved and responsible for providing contract mineral exploration services, for over 11 years with another company.
His interest in prospecting and geology began at an early age, when he accompanied his father on many prospecting trips. Since then, he has taken advanced courses in rock and mineral identification, mineral exploration techniques, geology and prospecting. He has gained a great deal of knowledge from working very closely with many professional geologists over the years.
He also continually studies the geology and genesis of numerous mineral deposit types.
As well as actively exploring for and working on some very exciting new discoveries.
Mr. Lynes retains an excellent working relationship with many professional mining engineers, geologists, geophysicists, geochemists, geological technicians, prospectors, drillers and miners.
Rich River's corporate goal is to provide high quality, cost effective and expedient mineral exploration services to Junior and Major mining companies.
We do this by knowing and anticipating the needs and expectations of our clients.
Rich River employs Professional Geologists, Mining Engineers, Geological Technicians and Professional Prospectors. Our linecutters and samplers are all highly experienced and will get the job done!
Rich River Exploration Ltd. actively researches, acquires, advances and vends high potential mineral properties.
We have Q-T and 43-101 compliant projects available.