Gold Facts...
1 grain = .0648 grams
24 grains = 1.5552 grams = 1 Penny Weight (dwt)
480 grains = 31.10 grams = 20 Penny Weight = 1 troy oz
5760 grains = 373.24 grams = 240 Penny weight = 12 troy oz= 1 troy lb
Color is golden "butter" yellow, Luster is metallic, Transparency is opaque. Crystal System is isometric
Crystal Habits include massive nuggets and disseminated grains.
Also wires, dendritic and arborescent crystal clusters, Cleavage is absent. Fracture is jagged, Streak is golden yellow., Hardness is 2.5 - 3, Specific Gravity is 19.3+ (extremely heavy even for metallic minerals)
Other Characteristics: malleable, ductile, and sectile, meaning it can be pounded into other shapes, stretched into a wire and cut into slices.
Best Field Indicators are color, specific gravity, density, hardness, malleability and ductility.
A cubic centimetre of gold weighs 19.3 grams.
A cubic meter of gold weighs 19.3 tonnes.
A cubic inch of gold weighs 315.2 grams = 10.13 troy ounces = 11.06 avoirdupois (ordinary) ounces.
A cubic foot of gold weighs 545.225 kilos = 1188.6 pounds (avoirdupois).
PurityGold content (wt. %)Fineness
24 carat gold99+990
22 carat gold91.6916
18 carat gold75.0750
14 carat gold58.5585
9 carat gold37.5375
The degree of fineness or purity for native gold depends on the natural blending with other minerals.
White gold is man made from a mixture of pure gold and white metals such as nickel, silver and palladium, usually with a rhodium coating. White gold is not made entirely of natural gold. ... The value of white gold depends on the carat (14K vs 18K) and how much metal was used to make the Jewelry.
Rose gold is a blend, or an alloy of pure 24 karat yellow gold, copper and silver. Pure 24 karat yellow gold is the base for all gold colors and qualities, but is too soft to be used in a pure state for jewelry. It needs to be blended, or alloyed with other metals to strengthen it enough to wear.
The depth of color in the rose gold depends on the ratio of yellow gold to copper. Less yellow gold , and a higher copper content will result in a more reddish rose color. As an example 14K rose gold is more of a rose pink color than 18K rose gold due to the higher yellow gold content in 18K. To create our lush red gold color known as rose or red gold, our 14 karat yellow gold is an alloy of 58.30% 24k yellow gold, 33.5% copper and 8.20% percent silver. Our 18 karat rose gold is a the color of a soft champagne rose, with gold undertones as the alloy is 75% 24k yellow gold, 22.2% copper and 2.8% silver.
A good site suggested by Riley
Here is a great site for rock collecting suggested by the young prospectors
at Lyndhurst STEM club... https://lyndhurststem.org/
It's... https://www.avasflowers.net/blog/all-about-rocks-and-rock-collecting/
Commodity.com : https://commodity.com/precious-metals/gold/
The Mining Association of B.C. : http://www.mining.bc.ca/
BC & Yukon chamber of mines: http://www.bc-mining-house.com/
Gold and Precious Metals: http://www.kitco.com
Gold Market Research Site: http://goldmarkets.homestead.com/
Gold Sheet Mining Directory: http://www.goldsheetlinks.com
International California Mining Journal: http://www.icmj.com
Mining Metals News: http://biz.yahoo.com/n/y/y0023.html
Prospectors and Developers Association (PDAC): http://www.pdac.ca
Mineral Gallery: http://mineral.galleries.com/minerals/physical.htm
Periodic Table of Elements: http://www.webelements.com/index.html
The Northern Miner: http://www.northernminer.com/
Mineral Price Quotes: http://www.mineralprices.com/
Canadian Rockhound: http://www.canadianrockhound.com/index.html
Gold Miners Headquarters: http://www.goldminershq.com/
Your Gateway to the Mining Industry: http://www.minegate.com/
Mining Jobs / News: http://www.miscojobs.com/
Geological Survey of Canada: http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/gsc/index_e.html
A.M. KING Industries Inc. Mining Equipment: http://www.amking.com/
Savona Equipment: http://www.savonaequip.com/default.asp
CFE ~ Neville Crosby: http://www.esupplyshop.com/
Deakin Equipment: http://www.deakin.com/
Stock Junction: http://www.stockjunction.com/
Mining Life: http://www.mininglife.com/
Geoshares Investor Info: http://www.geoshares.com
Mineral Database: http://www.mindat.org
Mineralogy Database: http://www.webmineral.com
Geology.com: http://geology.com/
Terra Server USA: http://terraserver.microsoft.com/

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Key Facts
Canada produced some 60 minerals and metals from almost 200 mines and 6,500 sand, gravel and stone quarries
The total value of Canada's mineral production reached $47.0 billion in 2018
Gold was the top-ranked commodity by value of production in Canada in 2018 with a value of $9.6 billion.
Canada benefits from a diversified mineral endowment that includes traditional commodities, such as gold, base metals and diamonds, as well as commodities used in highly clean energy applications and advanced technologies, such as rare earth elements, graphite and lithium.
Precious metals, particularly gold, remained the leading target for exploration spending ($1.4 billion), accounting for 61% of total spending in 2018 alone. This represents one of the highest ratio and underscores the importance of rising gold prices in recent overall trends.
Base metals and diamonds saw significant increases in expenditures in 2018 by 23.5% and 35.4% respectively.
Spending for other metals continues to increase into 2018 however more modestly compared to previous years.
Other metals include cobalt and lithium, which have garnered significant attention as a result of increased demand associated with their use in electric vehicle batteries.
Key Facts
Canada produced some 60 minerals and metals from almost 200 mines and 6,500 sand, gravel and stone quarries
The total value of Canada's mineral production reached $47.0 billion in 2018
Gold was the top-ranked commodity by value of production in Canada in 2018 with a value of $9.6 billion.
Canada benefits from a diversified mineral endowment that includes traditional commodities, such as gold, base metals and diamonds, as well as commodities used in highly clean energy applications and advanced technologies, such as rare earth elements, graphite and lithium.
Precious metals, particularly gold, remained the leading target for exploration spending ($1.4 billion), accounting for 61% of total spending in 2018 alone. This represents one of the highest ratio and underscores the importance of rising gold prices in recent overall trends.
Base metals and diamonds saw significant increases in expenditures in 2018 by 23.5% and 35.4% respectively.
Spending for other metals continues to increase into 2018 however more modestly compared to previous years.
Other metals include cobalt and lithium, which have garnered significant attention as a result of increased demand associated with their use in electric vehicle batteries.
Without mining your computer, telephone or television wouldn't exist.
In fact, without mining none of the everyday products that we take for granted would exist.
In fact, everything harvested, manufactured, transported, packaged or published requires minerals that come from mining.
Look beneath the surface. You'll find that mining has something to do with everything.
For those who think that we don't need mining?
Rich River Exploration Ltd., is an advocate for responsible mineral exploration and mining practices.